Everyone needs a helping hand once in a while, and parents are no exception! Whether you are looking for a new perspective on parenting or you need some guidance through a challenging situation, we are here to help. Our classes and workshops are open to anyone interested in participating!
The topics covered in this class include: putting an end to arguing, back talk, and begging. Teaching responsibility without losing their love, setting limits without waging war, avoiding power struggles, guiding kids to own and solve their problems, and teaching kids to complete chores... without reminders or pay.
This blended class lasts for 10 weeks total (4 weeks of General Parenting and 6 weeks of Love and Logic®). A certificate of completion will be awarded when the attendance requirement is met. This class is best suited for parents with children that are 5 or older.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
This class is appropriate for all parents with children of any age! Promotes empathy, discipline with dignity, self-worth, and empowerment. Attending all sessions will meet court and DSS requirements for mandated Parenting Classes. Certificates of completion are awarded to those who complete all 10 sessions of the class.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
This class covers the impact of substance use, mental illness, and trauma on parenting, the parent-child relationship, and children over the course of 10 weeks. It is hoped that participation in this program can be the beginning of the restoration of that which has been lost in the parent-child relationship and a time for parents to re-establish the strength of their connections to their children so that parents and children can heal together. There is no cost for this class. A certificate of completion will be awarded when the attendance requirement is met.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
Calling all dads! This class is designed to teach positive parenting skills specifically for father figures.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
Best Beginnings is a six-week class for parents to learn how to care for and nurture their babies in a supportive environment throughout their first year. The sessions focus on infant and brain development, creating routines, infant care, safety, interaction, and self-care for new parents.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
Learn how to cope with some of the common challenges facing parents of tots including tantrums and potty training.
This class consists of eight weekly sessions.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
The Love and Logic® approach to parenting is built around caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents and their children forms the foundation of good behavior and healthy decision-making.
The Love & Logic® approach provides a variety of simple and effective strategies for parenting children from birth to adulthood. Our strategies and techniques will help you create calm and loving solutions. There is no cost for this class. Participants must have a child who is 5 or older.
Certificates of completion are NOT awarded for these classes. Esta clase también está disponible en español.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
This website is not associated with, or sponsored by, the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® is a registered trademark of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® was founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., with continued creative and operational direction by Charles Fay, Ph.D. It is based on the experience of a combined total of over 100 years working with and raising kids, and on the psychologically sound Love and Logic® philosophy for parenting and teaching. For more information, please go to www.loveandlogic.com or call 800-338-4065.
Learn to establish healthy communication and interactions between parents and work together to effectively make decisions in the best interests of their children.
Call 704-878-2227 to register.
Q: Do you offer childcare during class sessions?
A: No, we do not offer child care.
Q: What is the cost?
A: Classes are currently being offered free of charge.
Q: How do I receive my certificate?
A: Nurturing Parenting participants must complete all 10 topics. Love and Logic participants must complete the entire 6-week course.
Q: Can I pick up from where I started? Do credits transfer?
A: Credits do not transfer from one session to another. If you do not meet the attendance requirements, you must begin the class again.