Pharos Parenting provides long-term support for children and parents through the Parent Aide program- the only one of its kind in Iredell County. Check out the stories, videos, and articles below to get to know more about Pharos Parenting and the families we serve.
Diane lost custody of her child, but thanks to Pharos Parenting's supervised visitation program, her child doesn't have to lose all contact with his mother. During these visits, Diane and her child were able to heal their bond, and trained professionals were able to provide in-the-moment coaching to ensure future time together is healthier and more positive. The ultimate goal was met - a healed family, where parent and child can increase time together and move toward independence.
Chloe, a single mother of four, whose children were in foster care, smiled broadly as she finished her last session. "The class helped me a lot," she shared, then added proudly, "My kids are coming home tomorrow! Now I know I can be a better Mommy because [Pharos Parenting] gave me the courage!"
Lori’s father died from health complications when she was only eleven, her mother ended up in a residential home for mental health issues when Lori was fifteen. Lori dropped out of high school in the ninth grade because of her own mental health. She moved to the area to escape a relationship of domestic violence. She is now a single mother of three children and accepted Pharos Parenting Parent Aide services.
The Parent Aide met with Lori weekly, more when needed. Lori learned to trust and began to make changes. The Parent Aide taught Lori about “normal” behaviors, family rules, and how to follow routines so that her children felt secure. The Parent Aide taught Lori to use consequences to manage her children’s behaviors and has moved into emotion regulation skills for the entire family. Lori valued education and the Parent Aide helped her with applications and forms for enrolling her children into school and daycare. The Parent Aide found community resources to help financially with testing fees and childcare so that Lori could “pre-test” for high school equivalency program. Lori not only successfully passed the program but was asked to speak at the commencement ceremony this past spring. She is now enrolled at a local community college, where she was awarded a scholarship. Lori is growing forward!
Eight-year old Lisa walked into the playroom, wary eyes and clutching a stuffed animal. Her father was already there and waited with a small smile. The last time Jerry saw his daughter was when she was two. Father and daughter visited in Pharos Parenting's Coaching to Permanence program to build a connection since the Court was looking at giving Jerry custody of Lisa. It was touching to watch them reunite and learn about each other. “What’s your favorite food?” “Do you like music?” “I got my blue eyes from you.” Lisa grew to trust her father and their relationship blossomed. The last time I saw Lisa was in the court room when the judge awarded Jerry full custody. Lisa still clutched that stuffed animal but this time she wore a large smile.
2020 Computer Donated by Mooresville Exchange Clubs
2020 After More Than 30 Years, Amy Eisele Retires (Mooresville Tribune)
2020 Amy Eisele Retires (Record and Landmark)
2020 SCAN Becomes Pharos Parenting
2020 Energy United Donates $10,000
2019 Exchange Appreciation Dinner
2019 Stand Against Child Abuse
2019 Luncheon (Mooresville Tribune)
2019 Luncheon (Statesville Free News)